obelisk the tormentor deck 2016 Yugioh! Deck Duels - OBELISK THE TORMENTOR VS THE WINGED DRAGON OF RA! (Ygopro Dueling) - what is sales in english

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

obelisk the tormentor deck 2016 Yugioh! Deck Duels - OBELISK THE TORMENTOR VS THE WINGED DRAGON OF RA! (Ygopro Dueling)

obelisk the tormentor deck 2016 Yugioh! Deck Duels - OBELISK THE TORMENTOR VS THE WINGED DRAGON OF RA! (Ygopro Dueling)

55 Likes55 Dislikes
4,951 views views84.6K followers
Gaming Upload TimePublished on 8 Aug 2016

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